引言:2021年开年第一个月,娱乐圈某明星先代孕后拒绝抚养的事件,引爆了人们长久的辩论和关注。大家将关注的目光纷纷投向了一个存在已久、帮助了许多有需要的人,但同时备受争议的行为 — 美国商业代孕。
1 — Definition of Surrogacy? 代孕是什么?
- Traditional Surrogacy 完全(传统)代孕 — In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate’s eggs are used, making her the biological mother of the child she carries.
- 传统代孕指的是使用代母的卵子进行人工授精,代母和孩子有实际的亲缘关系,是孩子的生物学母亲。
- Gestational Surrogacy 局部(妊娠)代孕 — In gestational surrogacy, the child is NOT biologically related to the surrogate mother, who is often referred to as a gestational carrier. Instead, the embryo is created via in vitro fertilization (IVF), using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors, and is then transferred to the surrogate.
- 妊娠代孕出生的孩子,和代母没有亲缘关系,胚胎是经过实验室体外受精培养形成的,之后才被植入到代母体内,精卵来源于准父母双方本人或捐献者。
2. History of Surrogacy in the United States 代孕在美国的历史和案例依据
- 1976: The first legal surrogacy agreement in the history of surrogacy was brokered by lawyer Noel Keane. This was a traditional surrogacy, and the surrogate did not receive any compensation for the pregnancy. Keane used this experience to establish the Infertility Center, which would arrange hundreds of surrogate pregnancies a year and play a key role in the history of surrogacy in the United States.
- 1976年律师Noel Keane起草了第一份代孕法律协议,当时采用的是传统代孕的模式,代母本人并未因此获得酬劳。在此事实基础上Keane后创立了生殖中心,每年帮助了几百例代孕怀孕案例,此举在美国代孕历史上具有重要意义。
- 1978: The first baby conceived through IVF transfer was born. 世界首例试管技术移植的婴儿出生。
- 1984–1986: Perhaps the most famous case in surrogacy history is the “Baby M.” case, involving a traditional surrogacy. 代孕历史上最著名的Baby M.案例,是关于传统(完全)代孕的。
- Bill and Betsy Stern hired Mary Beth Whitehead to be their surrogate in 1984, agreeing to pay her $10,000. Whitehead’s eggs were used in the artificial insemination process, making her the biological mother of the child.
- 此案始于1984年,美国一对姓Stern的夫妇,雇佣了一位名为Mary Beth Whitehead的代母,约定酬劳为一万美元。当时采用的是人工授精的方式,直接使用了代母Mary的卵子,因此代母本身也是孩子的生物学母亲。
- When the baby was born and it was time for Whitehead to sign over her parental rights, she refused and took custody of baby Melissa Stern (“Baby M.”) — starting a long custody battle in 1986.
- 当孩子出生后,此时本该是代母Mary签署文件让渡亲权给Stern夫妇,但代母反悔了,拒绝将起名为Melissa Stern的婴儿的监护权归还给Stern夫妇。自1986年开始这场漫长的亲权和监护权之争。
- The results of the custody case -The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the surrogacy agreement between Whitehead and the Sterns was illegal and, therefore, restored Whitehead’s parental rights. Custody was granted to Bill Stern, with Whitehead receiving visitation rights.
- 最终新泽西州最高法院裁定,代孕协议无效,母亲方亲权归属于代母Mary,但同时将孩子监护权判决给父亲Bill Stern,代母Mary仅有探视权。
- This case marked a huge turning point in the history of surrogacy, and, not surprisingly, many surrogacy professionals began to move toward the use of gestational surrogacy to avoid these legal entanglements. 这一案例的判决在美国代孕历史上意义重大,之后行业内人士都纷纷开始探索使用妊娠代孕来避免法律上亲权归属的争议。
- — -值得一提的是,Baby M年满18周岁后寻求正规法律程序终止了代母Mary女士的亲权,转而通过领养手续正式成为了Stern太太的法律意义上的女儿。
3. Is surrogacy in the United States Legal?
- 在美国并没有一部国家层面的法律来规范代孕,而是美国各州对于代孕态度不同,有自己的规定,大致分为以下四种:
- 图中深绿色为支持代孕且有完善法律保护的州,如加州、内华达州、犹他州、德州、伊利诺伊州、佛罗里达州等。 — -我们会建议优先考虑居住在这些代孕合法州的代母
- 图中浅绿色为对代孕友好,不反对代孕但是尚未有健全法律保护的州,如北卡南卡、俄勒冈州等。
- 图中黄色为对代孕有一定法律限制的周,如阿拉斯加、亚利桑那、田纳西州等。
- 图中红色为禁止代孕的州,如纽约州、路易斯安那州等,数量很少。
B. A Well-Developed and implemented Legal Procedure for surrogacy in California will ensure an international surrogacy can take place in a manner that puts intended parents at ease.
- Create an enforceable surrogacy contract of rights and responsibilities
- 律师协助起草制定准父母和代母间的代孕法律合同,规范双方权利义务
- Establish your parental rights before your baby is born and even after that.
- 法院会在孩子出生前下达判决进行亲权判定,甚至某些情况下在孩子出生后也可以申请加急处理。
- Ensure that your surrogate is currently getting proper care and compensation throughout her pregnancy. 确保代母在整个代孕过程中获得足够的保护,照顾,获得每个阶段相应的酬劳
- Surrogacy in US., therefore, provides numerous legal protections that you may not get in another nation 在美国代母和准父母都可以得到各方面最大限度的法律保护与支持
- Additionally, if you’re an international LGBT couple, keep in mind that the US recognizes gay marriage — which implies you can both be named legal parents of your kid before you return to your home nation. 此外,美国很多州都认可非规范性取向群体的合法婚姻,在所在国允许情况下,双方姓名都可以体现在亲权证明上。
C. How we protect our Surrogate mothers and the baby?我们如何更好地保护各方权益?
- Intensive and one-on-one care on surrogates 对代母进行一对一精心关怀和支持,包括购买覆盖代孕妈妈孕期医疗情况的代孕保险,有专属指定的心理医生提供心理支持和咨询辅导,
- Extensive medical and psychological screening深度全面的医疗体检和心理检查,其中医疗检查包括:性传染病检查,激素及血液检查,宫腔环境检查,毒品测试,尼古丁酒精代谢物测试,抗体检查及注射免疫等。
- A complex matching process to find the perfect surrogate 复杂深入的背景审查和配对流程,审核代母过往孕产历史,调取产科医生医疗记录,以确认代母没有影响妊娠的身体情况和病史。
- Legal process, apply for Pre-Birth Order around 20 weeks. 协助双方进行法律合同的签署,在孕中期申请出生前亲权判定文件,准父母双方的姓名都会出现在这份判决上,这是非常重要的提前判定孩子亲权的文件。 — -通俗意义上说确认了谁可以有权利把孩子从医院接走
- Watching and sharing in their surrogate’s pregnancy 代孕过程中的关怀,监督和支持分享
- Major milestones like doctor’s appointments and the birth of their child 跟踪孕期检查,汇报孕检报告直至宝宝出生
- And the final success of taking their baby home at the end of the journey 跟踪生产过程,协助宝宝出院来到准父母怀抱
Patients seeking for help from IVF& Surrogacy –
a. Blocked Fallopian Tube, endometriosis 输卵管阻塞,子宫内膜异位症
b. Advanced age of a woman 年龄大,生育困难
c. Failure of Treatment with Fertility Drugs 之前有辅助生殖治疗历史
d. Müllerian agenesis 先天无子宫或发育不全
e.Decreased sperm count, Oligospermia or Azoospermia 男性弱精,少精或无精
f. Single female patients using sperm donor 单身女性客人,寻求保存生育力
g. LGBT群体
h. 事业忙碌等个人原因错过最佳生育年龄的女性
— -试管技术是一门循序渐进发展起来的医学,胚胎是在实验室中培养起来的“心头肉”;胎儿也是需要植入到母体中才可以生长,而不是生长在试管内,这些都是科学,不是魔术;
— -代孕行业,在美国境内很多州,是一个合法产业,不是秘闻,不是不可言说,不是血汗工厂,更和剥削没有关系。
— -在美国,我们提供的是合法商业代孕,是在法律保障和监管下的阳光产业,一切都基于从客人角度出发,满足客人对于下一代的生育需求。